Natural Sciences
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Agricultural Sciences
Social Sciences



Advanced students of engineering from one of ten Colombian universities that are parties to the agreement initially spend one semester at a German university and then complete a 4 to 6-month industrial internship.

Who can apply?

Advanced students of engineering from the following participating universities: Escuela Colombiana de Ingenieria Julio Garavito, Bogotá Universidad del Valle, Cali Universidad Santo Tomás, Bogotá Universidad del Norte, Barranquilla Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Cali Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogotá

What can be funded?

One study semester at a German university followed by a 4 to 6-month industrial internship

Duration of the funding

12 months


Co-funded by ICETEX and the DAAD]

  • Preparatory German language courses in Colombia (DAAD/ university)
  • Costs of outward and return travel (ICETEX)
  • 2-month intensive language course in Germany including costs of accommodation and pocket money of 410 euros a month during this period (DAAD)
  • One-off start-up allowance of 460 euros (DAAD)
  • Medical, accident and personal liability insurance (DAAD)
  • Monthly partial scholarship of 250 euros for 10 months (DAAD)
  • Monthly partial scholarship of 500 euros for 10 months (ICETEX)
  • Tutorial supervision at German host university (DAAD)


Students from the above schools apply through the International Office. Selection criteria include:

  • Academic achievements
  • Knowledge of German (at least Level B1) A committee of advisers consisting of representatives of the two contracting parties selects candidates proposed by the universities.

Further information

Through the International Offices of the participating universities (see above) and

DAAD Office Bogotá WWW: www.daad.co

Eligibility -
Learn more or apply
All information about this funding has been collected from and belongs to the funding organization
20 July 2024