Community Foundation of the Eastern Shore,

01 April 2023
01 April 2024
01 April 2025

Advisory Committee: The scholarship recipients shall be selected by the Scholarship Advisory Committee of Stephen Decatur High School, subject to the approval of the Foundation. The Committee shall annually designate a Chairperson whose responsibility shall be to preside over committee meetings and to call the first meeting of the next year so as to ensure continuity. The chair is also the primary contact with the Foundation. Resignations or vacancies of community members require the Committee to nominate and approve Committee replacements, subject to the approval of the Community Foundation.

Selection Process:

It shall be the responsibility of the Scholarship Advisory Committee to develop procedures for the annual selection of scholarship recipients, subject to the conditions above and to provide applications and guidelines to potential applicants. After the selection has been made, the Scholarship Advisory Committee chair shall notify the Foundation of their decision and submit a scholarship request to the Foundation. The Scholarship will be awarded to the recipient at the Stephen Decatur High School Senior Awards Night. The Foundation will be responsible for issuing a check and a transmittal letter to the institution of higher learning the student will be attending that explains the nature and purpose of the check and identifies the student for whom the scholarship has been awarded. The letter will indicate that if the student fails to enroll at the institution within 12 months, the check should be returned to the Foundation.

Award Amounts:

Annual Scholarship Award is $1,500. This is a onetime award.

Application Deadline:

Completed applications must be submitted to the Stephen Decatur High School Guidance office by April 1 st .



Applicants must be graduating seniors from Stephen Decatur High School, Worcester County Maryland, who have selected their college and have been accepted for admission as a full-time student in a Maryland accredited two-year or four-year college, university or educational institution.

Applicants must have a GPA of 2.5/4.0 and must show a commitment to positive decision making and leadership. Applicant must write a short essay describing how making positive decisions has made a difference in their lives and how these decisions have led to leadership roles in the school or the community.

Learn more or apply
All information about this funding has been collected from and belongs to the funding organization
08 May 2024