George and Gerry Bower Scholarship Fund

Community Foundation of the Eastern Shore,

Rolling deadline

Advisory Committee

The scholarship recipients shall be selected by the Parkside High School Career and Technology Scholarship Advisory Committee, subject to the approval of the Foundation. The Committee shall annually designate a Chairperson whose responsibility shall be to preside over committee meetings and to call the first meeting of the next year so as to ensure continuity. The chair is also the primary contact with the Foundation. Resignations or vacancies of community members require the committee to nominate and approve committee replacements, subject to the approval of the Community Foundation.

Should any committee member be related to an applicant, that committee member must make this known to the committee upfront and the committee shall decide whether a conflict of interest exists and what action if any should be taken.

Award Amounts

The donor desires that annual scholarship awards be determined based on the current “available to grant” allocation in the Fund. The Parkside High School Career and Technology Center will be notified in January of each year of the amount available to grant. Selection Process

It shall be the responsibility of the Advisory Committee, working with the Principal or guidance counselor of Parkside High School Career and Technology Center, to develop procedures for the annual selection of scholarship recipients. In order for the Scholarship payment to be made, the Advisory Committee chair must submit a scholarship request form to the Foundation.



Applicants must be graduates of Parkside High School Career and Technology Center and have completed a program of study in Automotive Technology, Collision Repair or Welding. Scholarships must be used for continuing study and training in a related career field. Unless otherwise noted below, the scholarship recipients will be selected based on recommendations from school personnel.

Learn more or apply
All information about this funding has been collected from and belongs to the funding organization
20 April 2023