Donald H. Tatterson Jr. Memorial Scholarship Fund
Community Foundation of the Eastern Shore,
Choice of School: Accredited four-year college or university, or accredited two-year community college.
Successful applicants should demonstrate a maturity and commitment to succeed in college level courses of study. Applicants must be accepted into a program emphasizing law enforcement at an accredited college or university. Priority will be given to the applicant with the highest GPA.
Nature of Award: The amount of the award will be a minimum of $500 for one academic year.
How to Apply:
Applications are available at Completed applications must be submitted to the Snow Hill High School guidance office no later than April 1st of the current school year to be eligible for fall semester assistance. An application is complete and considered for a scholarship award, only when the following have been submitted:
- A completed scholarship application
- Official high school transcript of grades
- Letter of acceptance from college or university
- Two letters of recommendation from non-family members (e.g. teacher, guidance counselor, employer, athletic coach, etc.)
- A one-page essay describing your personal and professional goals surrounding law enforcement.
Who May Apply:
Graduating seniors of Snow Hill High School who have selected their College or University and have been accepted for admission.