Kyle B. Lenhardt Scholarship
Community Foundation for the Twin Tiers
Rolling deadline
New York
United States of America
Kyle B. Lenhardt Scholarship was established by Kyle’s family in his memory. Kyle passed away at the young age of fifteen, shortly after completing ninth grade. This fund has been made possible by numerous supporters and fund raising efforts in memory of Kyle.
Graduating senior from Wellsboro Area High School.
- Accepted into an accredited university or college (no on-line study).
- Pursuing a degree in Science or Respiratory Therapy.
- Essay (200-250 words double spaced) on what makes you an excellent candidate to pursue a degree in science or respiratory therapy.
- Student must have at least a B average.
- Student must have demonstrated financial need.
Learn more or apply
All information about this funding has been collected from and belongs to the funding organization
20 April 2023