Katherine P. Kerrigan Scholarship

Community Foundation for the Twin Tiers

Rolling deadline
New York
United States of America

This scholarship was established by Thomas W. Ward and Leslie Kipp, God-daughter of Katherine from the estate of Katherine P. Kerrigan. Katherine was a graduate of Barnard College. She traveled all over Europe as a tutor for a wealthy American family, the Plankingtons, in the 1920s. She taught at a number of schools and veterans’ associations, both to children and adults, on a whole range of subjects. She returned to Waverly when her father became ill. She was involved in community affairs and had great interest in public education and its improvement. The Katherine P. Kerrigan Scholarship Fund provides scholarships to graduates of Waverly High School exhibiting financial need and who have been accepted at an accredited two or four year college or trade school. The students must have strived to the best of their ability in their academic pursuits.

Amount Available: $9,100 for 2 scholarships

  • Graduating senior from Waverly Central High School.
  • Must be enrolled in an accredited two or four-year college, university or trade school in the United States.
  • Attach an essay (200-250 words double spaced) on what makes you an excellent candidate for this scholarship.
  • Please provide your Expected Family Contribution (EFC) number which is generated by the Free Application for Federal Student Aid Form (FAFSA).
  • Please provide a list of school based activities (including leadership positions, clubs and athletics) as well as community volunteer activities and the number of months or years.
  • Students must have demonstrated that they have strived to perform to the best of their ability in their academic pursuits
Learn more or apply
All information about this funding has been collected from and belongs to the funding organization
20 April 2023