John F. Bush Scholarship
Community Foundation for the Twin Tiers
Rolling deadline
New York
United States of America
Jack was a graduate of Cowanesque Valley High School that flew F18’s in the Navy. His family established this fund in his memory. Applicants must be Cowanesque Valley High School seniors that are student athletes
- Graduating senior from Cowanesque Valley High School.
- Accepted into a four year accredited university.
- Essay (200-250 words double spaced) describe an event where you took a leadership role and what you learned about yourself.
- Grade point average of 90 or better and participation in sports.
- Copy of GPA from grade 9 to the third marking period of grade 12.
- Please provide a list of school based activities (including leadership positions, clubs and athletics) as well as community volunteer activities and the number of months or years.
- This scholarship will be paid out to the recipient’s university in the second semester
Learn more or apply
All information about this funding has been collected from and belongs to the funding organization
20 April 2023