Jack Wippich Memorial Scholarship

Community Foundation for the Fox Valley Region

01 March 2025
United States of America

Upon entering the Kimberly High School Field House, one notices the large, unique signatures decorating the floor. They were placed there to identify the Jack Wippich Court and to identify the man who contributed so much to the school and its programs. Jack Wippich is remembered, respected and recognized for greatly inspiring students, athletes and peers during his thirty years of being part of the Kimberly School District. Jack believed that all desirable human characteristics could be learned and strengthened through participation in team sports: self-discipline, trust, goal setting, respect, unselfishness, perseverance, and humility. He grew up developing these behaviors in gymnasiums and on sports fields from the time he was a second grader at St. John Grade School in Menasha. He participated in multiple sports during his years at Menasha High School and at the University of Wisconsin, Oshkosh and all of the summers in between. Always positive and enthusiastic, he coached multiple sports teams during his entire teaching career and even into his retirement. Jack loved children and loved games and thought that putting them together made a wonderful learning environment. This scholarship was established by Jack’s loving family after his death in 2005.


Eligibility: (taken into consideration to determine recipients)

• Graduating seniors from Kimberly High School • Planning to attend an accredited 4-year college or university as a full-time student • Minimum cumulative 2.75 GPA • Participation in the girls’ or boys’ varsity basketball team and school-sponsored extra-curricular activities • Demonstrates the following: cooperative spirit, positive role-model behavior, strong work ethic, teamwork and coachability, faith-based values, and volunteerism

Award Amount:

One $1,000 non-renewable scholarship award for tuition, after successful completion of first semester of postsecondary school.


Recipients will be recommended each spring by the Kimberly High School Selection Committee.

Collecting the Award & Payment Procedure:

Recipients must fill out and submit Scholarship Acceptance Form and Scholarship Verification Form through the Scholarship Portal (https://www.grantinterface.com/Home/Logon?urlkey=cffvrscholar). Recipients are required to provide supporting documents as instructed in the Scholarship Verification Form, such as class registration/list with credits listed, proof of major, grade transcript, etc. After approval of online Scholarship Verification Form, the scholarship check will be paid directly to the school the recipient will be attending. The Community Foundation communicates with students via email; it is the student’s responsibility to keep their Scholarship Portal account updated with their current email address.

Loss of Eligibility:

Failure to maintain full-time student status for the second semester of the freshman year of college with a minimum 2.75 GPA in the first semester.

Further Information:

• Community Foundation for the Fox Valley Region o Website www.cffoxvalley.org/scholarships/ o Email scholarships@cffoxvalley.org o Phone 920.702.7629

Learn more or apply
All information about this funding has been collected from and belongs to the funding organization
25 March 2024