MSc Fellowships in Health Economics - OHE
City University of London
30 June 2022
30 April 2023
30 April 2024
The Office of Health Economics (OHE) wants to increase capacity of highly skilled economists specialised in health economics research by funding two part time students per year to do the MSc in Health Economics or a MSc in Economic Evaluation in Healthcare, part time, at the Department of Economics at City , University of London.
OHE will pay the corresponding part time fees and a stipend to the student of £ 1,500 per month for two years.
- Selection will be based on merit. To be able to be considered, the applicant needs to have been accepted on to an MSc programme and send a statement of purpose and why the applicant wants to apply to mjofre
- All OHE fellows will attend all OHE masterclasses and OHE lunchtime seminars, OHE annual lectures and all other OHE research activities.
- Students that are awarded the OHE fellowship will have as a co supervisor of their MSc dissertations one of OHE staff with a City affiliation.
- OHE will host the OHE fellows three days per week and involve them in topics related to their MSc studies or non confidential small tasks for projects.
- OHE fellows will have a contract with OHE for the duration of the fellowship and the obligation to work for OHE during a full year after graduation.
- Note that the OHE fellow will have to agree that, in case of early withdrawal from the MSc course, half of the fees and stipend received will be reimbursed to OHE. OHE does not commit to keep in employment OHE MSc Fellows beyond one year after the end of the scheme.
Learn more or apply
All information about this funding has been collected from and belongs to the funding organization
28 March 2024