Jumbunna Accommodation Scholarship
Aurora Education Foundation
This scholarship aims to support Indigenous students that are eligible for government accommodation funding or other forms of financial support, with accommodation costs and living expenses, and thereby enable to complete undergraduate or postgraduate study at UTS.
Areas of study: Any Area of Study
At Institution: University of Technology Sydney
Study level:
- Postgraduate coursework
- Undergraduate
- Postgraduate research
Study Load:
- Full Time
- Part Time
Location: NSW
Value Accommodation costs (rent) for each Recipient while living in UTS Housing residences; + (if eligible) fortnightly meal allowance for the duration of the scholarship.
How to apply Please contact the Student Services team at Jumbunna who can provide information on how to apply, jumbunna@uts.edu.au This is not a competitive scholarship, all eligible students will be identified.
To be eligible for this scholarship, you must:
- be of Australian Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander descent (must complete a Confirmation of Aboriginality form and/or provide a statutory declaration)
- first apply for ABSTUDY/ Residential Costs Options (RCO) payments, if this is not approved by Centrelink then provide evidence that the application was unsuccessful
- be commencing or continuing in a UTS undergraduate or postgraduate (coursework or research) course
- be residing, or intending to reside, in a UTS Housing residence and
- apply for this Scholarship online using the Jumbunna Accommodation Scholarship application form