Griffith University Indigenous Australian Postgraduate Research Scholarship
Aurora Education Foundation
The objective of the Griffith University Indigenous Australian Postgraduate Research Scholarship (‘GUIAPRS’) is to offer financial support through the provision of a stipend to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander research candidates while they undertake a higher degree research program at Griffith University (‘the University’). This website sets out the eligibility requirements and conditions that apply to awardees of the GUIAPRS.
Areas of study: Any Area of Study At Institution: Griffith University
Study level:
- Postgraduate coursework
- Postgraduate research
Study Load:
- Full Time
- Part Time
- $52,000 per annum (2024 full time rate).
- Scholarship duration is for the full length of the program. 4 years for Doctoral and 2 years for Masters.
- Generous paid leave provisions, including recreation, sick, parental, cultural and partner leave.
How to apply Applicants may only apply a maximum of two times in a five year period for consideration in the scholarship ranking and selection process.
New applicants must follow the process for submitting an online application for a research program, which also includes a section for scholarship application.
Current research candidates are required to follow a different process for submitting a scholarship application.
(1) To be eligible for a GUIAPRS, an applicant must:
- be of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander descent, who identify themselves as such, and are accepted by the community with which they are associated with as an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander.
- be commencing or enrolled in a HDR program (for which GUIAPRS support is available) at Griffith University.
- not be receiving income from another source to support the candidate’s general living costs that provides a benefit greater than 75% of the GUIAPRS stipend rate to undertake the proposed program. Income unrelated to the candidate’s HDR program, or income received for the candidate’s HDR program but not for the purposes of supporting general living costs, is not to be taken into account.
- Applicants must meet the admission requirements for the program to which they have applied. Applicants who do not hold the required academic qualification may seek admission on the basis of equivalency. Applicants will need to complete an equivalency case statement and provide it with the application. Refer to the Equivalent Qualifications for HDR Program Admission webpage for further information.
(2) To be considered for a GUIAPRS, an applicant must:
- have not completed a degree at the same or higher level as the HDR program to which the applicant is commencing or enrolled in.
- if seeking recognition for prior candidature in the HDR program, have not completed more than 12 months (equivalent full-time) of candidature at Griffith University or another Australian or overseas institution.
- have not previously held the same or an equivalent scholarship for which they are applying unless it was terminated within six months of the scholarship’s payments commencing; it was held for a degree at a lower level to which the applicant is applying; or the applicant is applying to transfer the scholarship (refer to Section 3.6 of the HDR Scholarship Procedure).
- have not held a Commonwealth Government Australia Award scholarship in the two years prior to the point of commencing the award, unless approval for this course of action has been granted by the appropriate branch of the Commonwealth Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade.