Australian Indigenous Higher Degree Research Scholarships

Aurora Education Foundation

Rolling deadline
A$37,510 - A$112,500
Medical and Health Sciences
Social Sciences

UNE is seeking Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander scholars wanting to carry out research in areas of research priority for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities. Research projects should be interdisciplinary in nature, and work across areas such as rural medicine, health, psychology, education, social work, public policy, law, criminology and sociology. This scholarship value is $37,510 p.a (2022) for three years for a Doctoral degree; or two years for a Research Masters. In addition, candidates will be eligible to apply to Research Services for an additional $7,000.00 per year for cultural supervision and/or mentoring.

Areas of study:

  • Health services and support
  • Humanities, culture and social sciences
  • Law and paralegal studies
  • Medicine
  • Psychology
  • Social work
  • Teacher education

At Institution: University of New England Study level: Postgraduate research Study Load: Full Time Location: NSW

How to Apply Further information can be found in the Aborigingal and Torres Strait Islander Higher Degree Research Scholarships Terms and Conditions. To be considered for the scholarship please review the scholarship guidelines prior to completing the application form:

  • UNE Scholarship Application
  • UNE Scholarship Guidelines

You will need two referees reports for your application (you can use the same reports for both the scholarship and candidature application).

Referees will need to complete the HDR Referee Report.


Selection of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Scholarships is based on the following: Aboriginality;

  • Academic merit as indicated by a Bachelor’s Degree with First Class Honours or equivalent;
  • Significant research experience undertaken in a community or professional capacity;
  • Capacity to successfully undertake higher degree research and to make a timely completion in the course at the required standard.
Learn more or apply
All information about this funding has been collected from and belongs to the funding organization
13 November 2023