John Hope Franklin Dissertation Fellowship

American Philosophical Society

01 January 2022
Rolling deadline
R&D and Higher Education

The John Hope Franklin Dissertation Fellowship, named in honor of a distinguished member of the American Philosophical Society, is designed to support an outstanding doctoral student at an American university or an exceptional American doctoral student abroad who is completing the dissertation.

Questions concerning this fellowship program and its requirements should be directed to Linda Musumeci, Director of Grants and Fellowships, at lmusumeci@amphilsoc.org or 215-440-3429.


Who Is Eligible?

Applicants may be U.S. citizens and residents of the United States or American citizens resident abroad. Foreign nationals not affiliated with U.S. institutions are eligible to apply for projects to be carried out in the United States, although applicants to the Lewis and Clark Fund for Exploration and Field Research in Astrobiology must be U.S. citizens, U.S. residents, or foreign nationals formally affiliated with a U.S. institution. Grant recipients may reapply after an interval of two years (for example, if you applied in 2018 for work in 2019, you are eligible to apply again in 2020 for work in 2021).

Grants are made to individuals. Institutions are not eligible to apply.

The American Philosophical Society is committed to maintaining the highest standards of scholarly excellence while supporting a working and intellectual environment that fosters an inclusive atmosphere for learning, prizes diverse origins and points of view, advances equal opportunities to learn and communicate, and encourages the widest possible access to its collections. The APS has titled these goals the APS IDEA (Inclusivity, Diversity, Equality, and Access) for its enduring institutional commitment to these values.

See specific programs for additional information.

Learn more or apply
All information about this funding has been collected from and belongs to the funding organization
20 April 2023