Hezekiah Wardwell Fellowship

Alexander Von humboldt Foundation

10 January 2023
10 January 2024
10 January 2025

Fellowship for gifted musicians and musicologists from Spain Gifted young musicians or musicologists from Spain are invited to apply for a Hezekiah WardweIl Fellowship from the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation.

In 1926–1928, Hezekiah C Wardwell (1877–1964) was one of the first ever fellowsof the previous Humboldt Foundation. On his passing, Wardwell left a significant sum of money to the Foundation that was to be used “to aid worthy Spanish students in gaining a musical education.” The philanthropist is said to have made this bequest to express his gratitude both to the Humboldt Foundation and to Spanish musicians who had helped him recover after an accident.

The Wardwell Fellowship enables you to attend further training or an advanced degree programme at an academy of music or a conservatory in Germany. You may apply for funding for one or two semesters of study (from October to either February or July of the following year). The Humboldt Foundation awards up to ten Wardwell Fellowships a year.

You may spend part (up to five months) of a ten-month (two-semester) fellowshipin a different European country (except Spain) if this is necessary to pursue advanced studies.

The monthly fellowship grant is 900 euros. We additionally offer an initial lump sum of 250 euros and a travel allowance if you travel to Germany from Spain.


We invite you to apply for a Wardwell Fellowship if you

  • are a Spanish citizen, must have been predominantly living in Spain or were educated in Spain
  • study or have studied music or musicology and are about to transition into a career
  • completed your musical or musicological studies no more than three years ago
  • have made arrangements with a recognised music teacher or musicologist in Germany for a place to study or academic mentoring to be provided to you at her/his institution
Learn more or apply
All information about this funding has been collected from and belongs to the funding organization
20 April 2023