Henriette Herz Scouting Programme

Alexander Von humboldt Foundation

Rolling deadline

Become a scout and recruit a Humboldt Research Fellow for your team and the Humboldt Network! Have you long since made a name for yourself in your discipline? Or are you at the beginning of a promising executive research career? Are you also well-connected internationally and have already mentored junior researchers? Then the Henriette Herz Scouting Programme could be the right one for you. We specifically want to recruit researchers as scouts who already have their own international network and would like to expand their team to include an excellent Humboldt Research Fellow. Two programme lines invite applications from both up-and-coming academics, who have only just become (junior) professors or group leaders, as well as established, experienced researchers. We particularly welcome applications from individuals who have not been connected with the Humboldt Foundation to date.

If you are selected as a scout, you have the opportunity to recommend three research talents from abroad for a Humboldt Research Fellowship. After formal approval, the fellowships will be granted directly.

We want to extend our network and make it more diverse. You should therefore set your sights on junior researchers who have not previously been considered for an application to the Humboldt Foundation or a research stay in Germany. Moreover, the first person you recommend should be a female researcher.


The Henriette Herz Scouting Programme addresses researchers at different career stages in all disciplines in Germany. The requirement for becoming a scout is that you hold a (junior) professorship or equivalent executive position (e.g. group leader) in Germany.

Scouts will be selected according to the following criteria:

  • Visible academic success: you can substantiate your internationally recognised academic record, commensurate with your career level, by (initial) awards, outstanding publications, particularly innovative research or by approved research proposals
  • Successful promotion of junior researchers’ careers
  • International connections: your extensive international collaborative network holds the potential to scout international research talents
  • Convincing concept for identifying, selecting and hosting international researchers who have not applied to the Foundation to date
Learn more or apply
All information about this funding has been collected from and belongs to the funding organization
20 April 2023