Global Talent Programme
Programme Description
The programme sets up paid and unpaid internships mostly in the fields of business administration and marketing, business development, finance and IT. Participants broaden their professional knowledge in an international environment, increase their employability and contribute to the development of a company abroad. At the same time they are given the opportunity to get to know different cultures, improve their language skills and play an active role in the challenging day-to-day working environment of an international company.
The Global Talent programme does not provide financial support, but arranges internships instead. Participants pay a one-off exchange fee of 450 EUR, find an individually set up internship and are then supported before and during their stay. Participants receive either a salary or an apartment from their employer. Most of the time, they receive a salary that can be used to finance accommodation and living costs on site. The amount of the salary is based on the average income of the country in the respective region and is displayed before the application.
Target Group
between 18 and 30 years old
Academic Requirements
Depending on the internship; some employers require enrolment or studies in a certain subject.
Number of Scholarships
depending on availability
depending on individual circumstances
Scholarship Value
AIESEC does not offer any funding but for a one-off fee of 450 EUR, it provides the following services:
- learning seminar
- Welcome Home seminar
- internship placement
- continuous, personal support
Application Papers
Candidates will find the application forms and further information on the application process here.
Application Deadline
Application is possible at any time.