Mobley Family Environmental Humanities Summer Student Research Grants

Yale University

01 November 2023
08 March 2025
United States of America
Education, Skills Building and Training

The Mobley Family Environmental Humanities Program in YSE is pleased to invite proposals for student research projects to be carried out in the Summer. These grants are intended to support research on the humanistic dimensions of human-environment relations, which might otherwise not be supported by funding sources either within YSE or elsewhere on campus.

Projects involving film, photography, performing arts, visual arts, audio/podcasts, online communication, etc. also will be considered. The Program typically awards a half dozen fellowships of up to $5000. Applicants are expected to apply to other funding sources as well.

Application Information: APPLICATION The application consists of the following:

  • A narrative/description of the proposed research project: including problem/question, description of research site, approach/methods, and local counterpart/sponsor if any (especially important for international projects).
  • A brief time-line; a budget; a plan for adapting the research (e.g., using remote methods or shifting your attention to online or archival sources) in the event that travel and/or in-person research is disrupted due to Covid-19; a paragraph outlining plans for complying with IRB requirements; and a list of the other program to which you are applying for funding for the same project.
  • Do not exceed a total of 3 single-spaced pages (12 pt. font).
  • A letter of support from the student’s academic advisor should be requested and submitted separately.
  • Open to all YSE students, pursuing a Masters or Doctorate, including those in joint or combined degree programs, but excluding any students who will not still be enrolled at YSE in Fall.
  • The grants are intended to fund independent student research projects, not internships in which the student will be working on the agenda of a host organization.
  • The grants are intended to fund only research in Summer, not work during the academic year.
  • The grants can be used for research expenses, travel, living, or other purposes associated with the proposed project. The grants are not intended to cover stipends, expensive equipment (such as cameras), or living expenses in New Haven.
Learn more or apply
All information about this funding has been collected from and belongs to the funding organization
26 September 2023