Kenneth Cornell Memorial Undergraduate Research Grant for French Francophone Studies

Yale University

11 September 2024
04 December 2025
United States of America
Education, Skills Building and Training

Undergraduates who declare a Major in French or a Double Major including French, and who will graduate as such, are invited to apply for the Kenneth Cornell French Major Research Grant. The grant should be used to travel to France or a French-speaking country, with the aim of undertaking research that will help in the writing of the senior thesis. The grant provides up to 2000 USD to each successful applicant.

Applicants should submit to the DUS of French the database registration cover sheet and the application form - which can be found on the Department of French website and includes a detailed one-page research plan (equivalent to a senior essay prospectus) and a short budget.

If selected, the applicant will submit his/her travel fare receipt to the DUS of French and a two-page account of the progress made on the project with the support of the grant.

Restrictions to Use of Award: Grants may be used for travel to France or a French-speaking country, to consult materials unavailable at Yale.

  • At this time, Cornell grant support is available only to French majors, with priority given to seniors.
  • The grant is awarded on the condition that the applicant graduate from Yale College as a French major/double major.
Learn more or apply
All information about this funding has been collected from and belongs to the funding organization
20 September 2023