Implementation and Management of the U.S. Alumni Network of Tajikistan (USANT)

U.S. Mission to Tajikistan

30 June 2023
For profit
Not for profit (incl. NGOs)
R&D and Higher Education
Community Development Education, Skills Building and Training
Research, Development and Innovation Social Sciences


The U.S. Embassy Dushanbe announces an open competition for organizations to submit applications to carry out a program to provide logistical management of a network of alumni of U.S. government (USG) programs and implement the Democracy Outreach Alumni Grant Program in Tajikistan. Please follow all instructions below.

Priority Region: Tajikistan

Program Background:

The U.S. Alumni Network in Tajikistan (USANT) is a program funded by the U.S. Embassy Public Diplomacy Section in Dushanbe to provide logistical management of a network of alumni of U.S. government (USG) programs in Tajikistan. USANT was created in 2019 with the goal of supporting and strengthening the USG alumni community to build upon the shared intellectual, social, cultural, and democratic values of the people of Tajikistan and the United States.

The most significant result of the USANT project to date is creating a community among U.S. government exchange program alumni across all four regions of Tajikistan. Alumni have demonstrated high interest and desire to be part of the USANT community and actively participate in network activities.

USANT’s accomplishments over the last four years:

· Established a national organization with eight elected board members, created an active online platform, and established four regional chapters throughout Tajikistan.

· Conducted annual regional USANT conferences in each of the four chapters.

· Conducted community-based initiatives, professional trainings, webinars, and mentorship programs.

· Issued 44 USANT alumni mini grants and 16 Democracy Outreach Alumni Grants.

PDS will develop a project handover protocol in cooperation with the current implementer and any new implementer to insure a smooth and transparent transition process.

Program Goal: Implement and manage a network of alumni from U.S. government exchange programs to empower them to use their learned knowledge, skills, and perspectives to educate others and affect positive change in their communities.

Program Objectives: The objectives of the USANT program are to:

  1. Increase engagement and communication between over 5,000 U.S. government exchange program alumni through a network.

  2. Build career and leadership skills of alumni and their colleagues through professional development opportunities.

  3. Sustain continued interaction and communication between the U.S. Embassy and alumni.

  4. Increase the number of alumni-led projects focusing on sharing skills and knowledge gained during exchange programs.

  5. Recruit and partner with new and diverse alumni audiences to develop programs that support democratic values and economic reforms in Tajikistan.

This funding opportunity seeks to provide continued logistical management of USANT to encourage networking among alumni and their colleagues and implement the Democracy Outreach Alumni Grant Program in fields that promote democratic values and economic reform in Tajikistan.

Participants and Audiences:

· The primary beneficiaries are alumni of U.S. government-sponsored exchange programs from across Tajikistan. Alumni from all ages and level of expertise, who are highly motivated to create positive change in their communities.

· The sub-beneficiaries: Community leaders, youth, entrepreneurs, English teachers, women and girls, educators.

Expected Activities to be managed by the implementing partner:

· Alumni Network of Tajikistan (USANT) – $64,000

Continue to direct and manage a supportive network of alumni of U.S. government programs who will lead and participate in various training, educational, networking, and professional development activities throughout the year.

· Regional Alumni Conferences, Trainings/Workshops -$16,000

Host conferences and collaborative workshops where alumni of U.S. government exchange programs can learn from each other, learn new skills, and learn ways to collaborate to increase the impact of their initiatives.

· Democracy Outreach Alumni Small Grants - $120,000

Through the Democracy Outreach Alumni Small Grants program, USANT will support the U.S. Embassy in Dushanbe in the implementation of alumni initiatives that promote shared values and innovative solutions to global challenges. USANT will award a series of small grants to alumni, as well as partner with them to develop and carry out center programming. These opportunities will build capacity of alumni to both manage small grants and implement a successful project, both important professional and life skills. The intended long-term impact of the program is to encourage U.S. government alumni to take the initiative to strengthen local communities, foster positive relationships between the United States and Tajikistan, and promote mutual understanding of the core values promoted by U.S. government exchange programs, such as volunteerism, grassroots capacity building, and cooperation.

The primary objectives of the Democracy Outreach Alumni Small Grants program are to:

  1. Strengthen civil society organizations’ capacity through facilitating connections, relationships, and opportunities to collaborate.

  2. Strengthen local communities and the overall development of Tajikistan.

  3. Foster positive relationships between the people of the United States and Tajikistan.

  4. Promote American values such as volunteerism, community activism, tolerance, advocacy for vulnerable groups, and critical thinking.

  5. Strengthen the capacity of USG Alumni to use their exchange experience to address current challenges and issues in Tajikistan.

  6. Enhance connections between alumni of the various U.S. Government sponsored exchange programs in Tajikistan.

USANT will disburse up to $120,000 in small grant awards over the course of the grant period. The small grant awards program will be administered in two rounds, in Fall 2023 and in Spring 2024 with calls for applications announced in September 2023 and March 2024. The amount of grants must not exceed $5,000 for organizations and $3,000 for individuals. The U.S. Embassy is not setting a strict upper limit on grant amounts but advises that grants of $3,000 for individuals and $5,000 for organizations should be viewed as a rule-of-thumb limit.

Eligibility -
Learn more or apply
All information about this funding has been collected from and belongs to the funding organization
28 April 2023