U.S. Mission to Sri Lanka

12 June 2023
Community Development

Through the Small & Mighty program, we wish to extend our reach to new local primary and secondary implementing partners. The program goals of this funding opportunity are provided below:

  • We encourage programs promoting peace, democracy, reconciliation and human rights, which promote social integration among all communities of society; encourage participatory processes between citizens and the government; strengthen partnerships to give communities a greater voice in government and society, programs that strengthen democratic values; enhance awareness and protection of religious freedom and human rights principles; and encourage gender equality.
  • We encourage programs promoting economic empowerment, good governance and rule of law, such as transparency, right to information, anti-corruption, gender equality and disability rights in the workplace and promote entrepreneurship, and especially women’s entrepreneurship, as a component of a healthy economy and a means to integrate into regional economy.
  • We encourage programs promoting Sri Lanka as a free, open and secure partner through programs that increase positive, fact-based media coverage of security and political engagements. Increased public support for bilateral security cooperation and logistic arrangements.

Eligibility is open to all non-profit, non-governmental organizations in Sri Lanka. U.S. Universities, Sri Lankan Government entities, and individuals are not eligible for an award under this Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO). Organizations may sub-contract with other entities, but only one, non-profit, non-governmental entity can be the local primary partner of the award. When sub-contracting with other entities, the responsibilities of each entity must be clearly defined in the proposal.

Learn more or apply
All information about this funding has been collected from and belongs to the funding organization
16 May 2023