Mission Spain Public Diplomacy 2022 Annual Program Statement

U.S. Mission to Spain

United States of America
Research, Development and Innovation

The Public Diplomacy Section (PD Spain) of the U.S. Embassy Madrid and U.S. Consulate General Barcelona welcomes proposals for creative, engaging projects that line up with PD Spain’s main objectives. That includes:

  1. Promote citizen participation in the fight against the climate crisis and facilitate better knowledge of the policies and actions of the United States in this area.
  2. Ensure that Spanish and /or Andorran students know the United States as a destination for their training, for summer work programs and for learning English.
  3. Promote security and defense alliances between the United States and Spain and the Atlantic Alliance (NATO).
  4. Communicate the importance of Spain being the venue for the 2022 NATO Summit , the role that Spain plays within NATO and the strategic concept of NATO in the near future.
  5. Explain the value of initiatives dedicated to women, peace and security .
  6. Support the areas of entrepreneurship, innovation and STEM to increase economic opportunities for young people in Spain and / or Andorra.
  7. Increase knowledge about how to do business in the US and highlight the role of Spain and Andorra in the global digital economy .
  8. Expand the reach of media literacy and support the media education programs of Spanish institutions with useful and accurate tools to increase understanding of false information and other tactics, to render misinformation campaigns targeting Spain ineffective.
  9. Communicate about the common values that the United States, Spain and the EU share and about the promotion of respect for human rights , democracy and the need for democratic changes in places like Venezuela, Cuba and Nicaragua, the power of the law against impunity, privacy, international order based on common rules, and a fair playing field.
  10. Encourage collaboration between Spanish and /or Andorran and American organizations that share the defense of human rights .
  11. Explore topics such as the rights of LGBTQI + community, racism, sexism, and the rights of people with disabilities.
  12. Promote the rights and equality of women, ethnic and religious minorities, the LGBTQI + community, refugees and migrants, people with disabilities and other marginalized populations in Spain and / or Andorra.

All programs should ensure they promote diversity and inclusion.

Please be aware that projects funded through this APS must include an American element. That could involve a connection or partnership between Spanish and/or Andorran and American organizations or institutions. For example, an American expert could take part, in person or virtually, in your project. Activities might highlight or examine shared values between Spain and/or Andorra and the United States, national interests, etc. You may incorporate a U.S. approach or method you have learned about to addressing an issue or challenge facing your community, institution, or profession.

Grant activities may take any number of forms, including academic competitions, cross-border exchanges, conferences, workshops, courses, curriculum development, exhibits, hackathons or app development, online projects, mock trials or moot court competitions, simulations and role-playing activities (e.g., Model Congress, Model United Nations), performances, or other activities.

Project timelines should start no earlier than December 1, 2021, and start no later than September 30, 2022, with all activities being completed no later than December 2023. All activities and your evaluation or assessment of the project should be completed within 18 months of starting the project.


The following entities, from Spain, Andorra, or the United States, are eligible to apply: •Not-for-Profit organizations, including educational and cultural institutions • Civil society organizations •Non-governmental organizations •Think tanks •Professional associations •Media outlets •Governmental institutions and public international organizations •Individual citizens, including alumni of U.S. Government (USG) exchange programs, who have a demonstrated capacity or proven track record to carry out the proposed activities. To be eligible for consideration, Spanish or Andorran-based applicant organizations must be registered in their respective host country. Businesses and other for-profit organization may not apply for funding under this APS.

Learn more or apply
All information about this funding has been collected from and belongs to the funding organization
20 April 2023