Indo-Pacific Strategy Tabletop Exercise

U.S. Mission to South Korea

17 July 2023
Not for profit (incl. NGOs)
Research, Development and Innovation

Funding Opportunity Title: Indo-Pacific Strategy Tabletop Exercise

Funding Opportunity Number: PD-SEOUL-FY23-03

Deadline for Applications : July 17, 2023, 11:59 p.m. GMT+9

CFDA Number: 19.040

Total Amount Available: $100,000

This notice is subject to availability of funding.


The U.S. and Korean Indo-Pacific strategies (IPS) are the roadmaps for ensuring a free, open, secure, and prosperous future for the region and its partners worldwide. In order to maintain strong, informed support for the comprehensive U.S.-ROK Alliance and to raise awareness of how these strategies will support our bilateral relationship in the future, the U.S. Embassy in Seoul seeks proposals from organizations (preferably Korea-based or in collaboration with a Korea-based organization) to gather opinion leaders from various sectors to create a series of tabletop exercises tied to emerging challenges conceptualized under the three IPS pillars of security, democracy, and economy. The host organizations will also coordinate publication of the exercises’ outcomes to expand public understanding of U.S.-ROK cooperation to address potential future challenges.


The selected grantee will work closely with the U.S. Embassy to select opinion leaders from diverse sectors, including academia, business, science and technology, policy, and civil society to participate in a series of tabletop exercises that foster discussion of key policy priorities outlined in the IPS such as climate change, supply chains, and regional stability. These experts will then publish the outcomes of these exercises, targeting peers working in foreign affairs and citizens interested in learning more about foreign policy. Successful applicants will execute at least three exercises focused on security, economy, and democracy. Strong proposals will outline the hypothetical challenges the participants will discuss and clearly explain how the guided discussion could inform policy creation or public opinion regarding each discussion topic.


This grant will be a cooperative agreement. The selected grantee will work closely with the U.S. Embassy to develop the scope of the program, gather expert participants, and coordinate publishing the program’s findings. The program should take place in Korea and should not include an exchange component. Virtual programming is encouraged if helpful in meeting program goals.

If you’d like to use the ones the Embassy provides, please find them here: https://kr.usembassy.gov/grants/

For more information, please refer to the NOFO document, and email us at SeoulPDGrants@state.gov for any questions.


(preferably Korea-based or in collaboration with a Korea-based organization) • Registered not-for-profit organizations, including think tanks and academic associations with programming experience. • Non-profit or governmental educational institutions.

Learn more or apply
All information about this funding has been collected from and belongs to the funding organization
21 June 2023