Mission South Africa American Spaces Staffing Management
U.S. Mission to South Africa
The Public Diplomacy Section of the U.S. Mission to South Africa announces an open competition for organizations to apply to manage personnel at four of its American Spaces in Pretoria, Johannesburg, and Cape Town. These spaces are part of a broader American Spaces network that connects South African audiences to American people, institutions, history, culture, and ideals. The U.S. Mission seeks proposals from organizations with capacity, experience, and knowledge of personnel matters, employment contracts, and labor law in South Africa.
Through strategic outreach, innovative programming, and productive alliances, the U.S. Mission to South Africa’s American Spaces Network engages South African youth, organizations, and key influencers on thematic topics of relevance to the United States and South Africa, and that support audiences’ ability to think critically, promote U.S. and South African linkages, and take action to advance health, security, governance, and prosperity in South Africa. American Spaces staff at these four locations are an essential component to local program design and execution.
More information about the American Spaces program in South Africa can be found here: https://za.usembassy.gov/education-culture/american-spaces/
-------------------------PLEASE READ FULL ANNOUNCEMENT------------------------------
*Applications must be sent to PretoriaGrants@state.gov
Not-for-profit organizations, including think tanks and civil society/non-governmental organizations.Public and private non-profit educational institutions.