FY 2023 Notice of Funding Opportunity: Cultural Grants Program
U.S. Mission to Slovenia
The U.S. Embassy in Ljubljana, Slovenia announces this Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) for Slovenian and U.S. cultural institutions and civil society organizations and individuals. The Embassy continues to offer grants for well-designed and managed projects that encourage and promote cultural and artistic cooperation, collaboration and exchange between the United States and Slovenia.
Successful projects should present and promote American values, culture, and/or history through art, music, literature, dance, and/or other cultural mediums to Slovenian audiences. We are particularly interested in supporting projects that build and enhance relationships between Slovenia and the United States through bilateral cooperation, promote shared heritage and values, and promote mutual understanding and projects that showcase the diversity of American culture. Special consideration will be given to projects that include a component on human rights (to include tolerance, respect for diversity, and support for historically marginalized communities) and/or youth engagement, volunteerism, and active citizenship.
For this grant period, consideration will be given to project proposals focusing on promotion of American values and culture, and presentation of American history, society, art, or other culture. We are particularly interested in supporting projects that build and enhance relationships between Slovenia and the United States through bilateral cooperation, promote shared heritage and values, and promote mutual understanding and projects that showcase diverse American culture.
What are we looking for in a proposal?
• Programs that build and enhance relationships between Slovenia and the United States through bilateral cooperation, promote shared heritage and values, and promote mutual understanding.
• Programs that engage audiences by using a broad set of means to showcase America as a diverse society that values inclusion. For example, cultural programs where an American artist participates or is celebrated, programs that reach young people, and programs that raise awareness on important topics, like promoting human rights (to include tolerance, respect for diversity, and support for historically marginalized communities) and/or youth engagement, volunteerism, and active citizenship.
• Sustainable projects with strong merit and clearly defined goals and outcomes.
• Projects that include acknowledgement of U.S. Embassy support and a plan to amplify our cooperation via traditional or digital media.
Eligibility for this NOFO is limited to: professional artists and professionals in the cultural field who are American or Slovene citizens or residents, not-for-profit arts or cultural organizations or institutions registered in the United States of America or in Slovenia, or Slovenian educational and research institutions and public entities.