Journalist Capacity Building Programs (Multiple Projects)
U.S. Mission to Pakistan
Based on funding availability, the Public Diplomacy Section (PDS) of the Embassy of the United States of America in Islamabad, Pakistan (hereafter referred to as “PDS”) solicits proposals for multiple funding opportunities for projects to train and build capacity among Pakistani journalists, including traditional media practitioners, digital media professionals, vloggers, and documentary makers, among others. These projects aim to increase the Pakistani media's ability to report accurately, combat misinformation, and develop the capacity to produce factual, data-driven, and investigative journalism on complex issues such as energy and environmental concerns, economic growth and development, and civil society issues. These projects will address Mission Pakistan goals by strengthening the country’s press and civil society and by empowering local media actors to play a critical role in providing accurate, balanced, and quality information.
The projects outlined below are intended to be nationwide. The projects vary in their target audiences and funding amounts. All projects should be completed within 12 to 18 months.
In response to this NOFO, organizations may submit proposals for multiple projects, but applicants must submit a separate Applicant Summary Coversheet (see Attachment 1) for each proposal that clearly outlines for which project the application is intended. Applicants who submit one (1) proposal covering more than one (1) project will not be considered for funding .
The following organizations are eligible to apply: • Not-for-profit organizations • Civil society/non-governmental organizations • Think tanks (Not-for-profit)• Public and private educational institutions (Not-for-profit departments)