Establishment of an Academic Partnership in Journalism Studies with the Faculty of Law at Saints Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje, North Mac…
U.S. Mission to North Macedonia
The objective for the Journalism Studies program is to encourage innovative project proposals tailored to the education and research goals of the Applicant and the partner faculty from North Macedonia. The goal is to make journalism a more attractive career path for potential students, while also providing the foundational skills that will strengthen North Macedonia’s media landscape through improved media literacy, investigative research and reporting skills, ethical media operations, and principled participation in the democratic process. Practical experience and hands-on training, with opportunities for exchanges should be well-represented.
The Iustinianus Primus Faculty of Law at the UKIM (hereinafter the Faculty of Law) and its journalism studies will be the primary academic partner for this program. Secondary partners may include independent research institutes, relevant governmental organizations, and private non-profit organizations with project-related educational objectives.
The primary focus of the new study program should be on more practical training and increased student engagement. The partnership should address the following:
Creation of strategic partnership with external experts in journalism and/or media outlets.
Creation of a journalism lab.
Enrichment of the journalism library.
Exchange programs for the professors and students.
The faculty will engage existing staff to initiate a new clinical Journalism Lab. By doing this, the Faculty will be able to create an extra curriculum space where students will get credits for their practical engagement within the existing course programs. In addition, upon finalizing the partnership with U.S. universities, the Faculty is also very interested in creating a double/joint degree program on journalism.
A successful proposal will address the needs of the Faculty of Law at UKIM through a cost-effective project that includes curriculum development, collaborative research, professional development for faculty by U.S. counterparts, and faculty exchange.