FY2023 Alumni Engagement Innovation Fund

U.S. Mission to Mozambique

16 January 2023
United States of America
Arts, Culture and Heritage
Research, Development and Innovation Humanities

The Public Diplomacy Section of the Embassy of the United States in Mozambique announces an open competition for past participants (“alumni”) of U.S. government-funded and U.S. government-sponsored exchange programs to submit applications to the 2023 Alumni Engagement Innovation Fund (AEIF 2023). The Public Diplomacy Section seeks proposals from teams of at least two alumni that meet all program eligibility requirements below. Exchange alumni interested in participating in AEIF 2023 should submit proposals to maputopdproposals@state.gov by January 16, 2023.


AEIF provides alumni of U.S. government-sponsored and facilitated exchange programs with funding to expand on skills gained during their exchange experience to design and implement innovative solutions to global challenges facing their community. Since its inception in 2011, AEIF has funded nearly 500 alumni-led projects around the world through a competitive global competition. The Public Diplomacy Section will accept public service projects proposed and managed by teams of at least two (2) alumni that support themes such as:

· Fostering community resilience to promote stability, including through the creative arts and sports.

· Promoting democracy, human rights and justice for all, including for women, young girls, and persons with disabilities.

· Enhancing educational and cultural connections between Americans and Mozambicans.

· Expanding access to English language learning.

· Countering dis- and mis-information.


Announcement posted: November 22, 2022

Closing date for applications: January 16, 2023

Funding type: Small grant awards

Funding Authority: FY23 Fulbright Hays

Decision date: By March 06, 2023

Expected size of individual awards: Between $5,000 to $35,000

Program Performance Period: Proposed programs should be completed in a 12-month timeframe or less

This notice is subject to availability of funding.


• Applicants must be alumni of a U.S. government-funded or sponsored exchange program (https://alumni.state.gov/list-exchange-programs) or a U.S. government-sponsored exchange program (https://j1visa.state.gov/). • Projects teams must include at least two (2) alumni. • Alumni who are U.S. citizens may not submit proposals, but U.S. citizen alumni may participate as team members in a project. • Alumni teams may be comprised of alumni from different exchange programs and different countries. • Applications must be submitted by exchange alumni or alumni associations of USG exchange alumni. Not-for-profit, non-governmental organizations, think tanks, and academic institutions are not eligible to apply in the name of the organization but can serve as partners for implementing project activities.

Learn more or apply
All information about this funding has been collected from and belongs to the funding organization
20 April 2023