Alumni Engagement Innovation Fund

U.S. Mission to Moldova

28 February 2023
United States of America
Research, Development and Innovation

The Embassy of the United States in Chisinau announces an open competition for past participants (“alumni”) of U.S. government-funded and U.S. government-sponsored exchange programs to submit applications to the 2023 Alumni Engagement Innovation Fund (AEIF 2023). We seek proposals from teams of at least two alumni that meet all program eligibility requirements below. Exchange alumni interested in participating in AEIF 2023 should submit proposals to moldovagrants@state.gov by February 28, 2023.


AEIF provides alumni of U.S. government-sponsored and facilitated exchange programs with funding to expand on skills gained during their exchange experience to design and implement innovative solutions to global challenges facing their community. Since its inception in 2011, AEIF has funded nearly 500 alumni-led projects around the world through a competitive global competition.

U.S. Embassy in Chisinau will accept projects proposed and managed by teams of at least two (2) alumni that support themes such as:

· Organizing alumni activities among the Moldovan diaspora to support the development of a globalized, highly skilled work force among Moldovan youth.

· Promoting social integration and the respect of the rights of persons with disabilities.

· Energy security.

· Building connections across among alumni the Nistru river


Non-profit organizations registered in the Republic of Moldova

Learn more or apply
All information about this funding has been collected from and belongs to the funding organization
19 April 2023