Media Small Grants Program

U.S. Mission to Kyrgyzstan

31 May 2023
Research, Development and Innovation

While media in the Kyrgyz Republic is the most open in the region, few outlets are truly independent and the industry suffers from self-censorship, a lack of professionalism, and financial sustainability issues. Misinformation and disinformation are regularly disseminated by both local and international actors through local media. Independent media outlets have been subjected to harassment, threats, and unfounded defamation lawsuits by subjects of reporting.

The Media Small Grants Program advances the U.S. Embassy goal of supporting a more inclusive and accountable democracy. It seeks to expand the capabilities of independent media, resulting in increased production of balanced and locally relevant media products as well as diverse and alternative media narratives. The program also supports the development of the Kyrgyz Republic’s nonprofit, nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), and associations working in the media-related areas. Through local innovative strategies, the program may address policy priorities such as:

  • Promoting freedom of speech and press.
  • Increasing journalistic professionalism and sustainability of independent media organizations.
  • Fostering government transparency and advocacy and fighting corruption.
  • Informing the public regarding the work and contributions of civil society organizations to the Kyrgyz Republic’s social and economic development.
  • Raising public awareness and participation in efforts to combat climate change and air pollution.
  • Raising public awareness of and increasing resiliency to misinformation and disinformation.

The Media Small Grants Program supports the development of the Kyrgyz Republic’s media institutions by competitively awarding small grants to: ⮚ Kyrgyz Republic-registered non-profit, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and associations working in media-related areas; and⮚ Kyrgyz Republic-registered independent media organizations.State bodies are encouraged to work with eligible NGOs and independent media organizations to submit applications. American or other third country organizations or individuals are not eligible for grants under this program.

Learn more or apply
All information about this funding has been collected from and belongs to the funding organization
20 April 2023