Entrepreneurial Approaches to Addressing Social Exclusion Factors of Vulnerable Youth in Jordan

U.S. Mission to Jordan

05 June 2023
Not for profit (incl. NGOs)
R&D and Higher Education
Research, Development and Innovation Social Sciences

The U.S. Embassy in Amman announces an open competition for eligible not-for-profit organizations to submit proposals to design and implement projects that leverage or build innovative digital platforms and channels to reach and engage with Jordanian youth to address one or more of the following challenges: Unemployment or underemployment of underserved youth outside Amman; lack of gender parity in the workforce, with an emphasis on women in security and justice sectors; gender-based violence, honor killings, substance use, and/or gang violence; and low rates of political participation among youth.

Program Objectives:

The Public Affairs Section at the U.S. Embassy in Amman is soliciting proposals from eligible organizations for innovative and inclusive whole-of-society approaches to engaging youth between 12-35 years of age that includes a component(s) of gaming/gamification and/or strategic communications campaigns in order to address factors of social exclusion and discontent among underserved or underrepresented youth in Jordanian society in an effort to help mitigate vulnerabilities to recruitment and radicalization.

The program’s goals are to design audience-driven tools and projects that focus on building the critical thinking and problem solving skills of youth, aged 12-35, to ensure they are equipped with the skills and knowledge to remain proactive in identifying and addressing factors of social exclusion; push and pull factors influencing and driving recruitment efforts by extremist and violent groups; and building the skills of those most vulnerable to being exploited by malign actors, all in an effort to ensure participants are able to actively identify and mitigate rising and existing threats, and create and amplify alternative or counter narratives on identity, agency, and belonging.

Proposals should outline how they support the Jordanian government’s efforts in building the capacity of youth. Successful applicants will plan to co-design audience-centric, partner-led, and contextually relevant programs and tools.

Applicants should consider multi-stakeholder approaches that bring together or coordinate the actions of central and local government or law enforcement as well as civil society, religious communities, academia, the private sector, local accelerators and incubators. All proposals should include a digital media plan that provides an overview of how the awardee will leverage digital and traditional media to amplify the activities, progress, and results of the program, such as by sharing participant testimonials through podcasts or webisodes, to serve as a public awareness and prevention tool.


The following U.S. and Jordanian organizations are eligible to apply: ● Not-for-profit organizations, including think tanks and civil society/non-governmental organizations ● Public and private educational institutions To be considered for funding under this opportunity, applicants SHALL:• Have demonstrable previous experience working in Jordan. This should be addressed within the project narrative section of your application.• Meet ALL the registration requirements listed below.• Meet any requirements listed as MANDATORY in Other Eligibility Considerations, below.

Learn more or apply
All information about this funding has been collected from and belongs to the funding organization
20 April 2023