2022 Alumni Engagement Innovation Fund-Italy

U.S. Mission to Italy

United States of America
Arts, Culture and Heritage Education, Skills Building and Training
Research, Development and Innovation Humanities

AEIF 2022 should submit proposals to italyalumni@state.gov by January 30, 2022.


AEIF 2022 provides alumni of U.S. sponsored and funded exchange programs with funding to expand on skills gained during their exchange experience in order to design and implement innovative solutions to global challenges facing their community. Since its inception in 2011, AEIF has funded nearly 500 alumni-led projects around the world through a competitive global competition. (https://alumni.state.gov/aeif/congrats-2021-aeif-competition-winners) This year, AEIF 2022 will support the United States’ commitment to principles of diversity and inclusion as tools to promote cultural, democratic, and linguistic engagement with Italian publics, and to reinforce our shared democratic values and norms..

The U.S. Mission to Italy will accept public service projects proposed and managed by teams comprised of at least two (2) alumni that support the following themes:

• Democratic Practices and Principles in Support of Human Rights including diversity and inclusion of minority populations (migrants, LGBTQI+) women’s empowerment, disability rights, intergenerational justice, and climate change.

• Increasing Youth Engagement on Shared Values; including connecting and innovating through language and the arts.


Individuals and NGOs can apply

Learn more or apply
All information about this funding has been collected from and belongs to the funding organization
19 April 2023