Mission Belarus Small Grants for Media Program

U.S. Mission to Belarus

25 August 2023

The U.S. Mission Belarus Public Diplomacy Section (PDS) of the U.S. Department of State announces an open competition for organizations to submit applications to carry out a program to support Belarusian independent media. Please follow all instructions below.

Program Objectives:

After the fraudulent presidential election in Belarus in 2020, independent media outlets and journalists were among the first to suffer from the Lukashenka regime’s repressions. In addition to arresting and mistreating media workers and searching media offices, the regime targeted media outlets’ revenues by pressuring advertisers, restricting printing opportunities, and blocking online access to media outlets. This program is designed to support Belarusian independent media in exile and help them continue publishing high-quality content useful to their audiences. This goal complies with our Mission’s Strategic goal to empower Belarusian independent media as a voice to report objectively.

The objective of this program is to provide resources to Belarusian media outlets and journalists to fulfill one of the two following goals:

  1. Conduct and publish in-depth reporting on a topic about political, social, and/or economic conditions and/or events related to Belarus. Proposals related to corruption, disinformation, local governance, health and safety, law enforcement, or efficient governance are most welcome.

  2. Research and/or implement one or more methods for increasing revenue for an independent media outlet that has a primarily Belarusian audience. Proposals related to advertising, crowdfunding, alternative ownership, or revenue sources other than grants are most welcome.

Grant funds cannot be used for nonexpendable equipment such as computers, cameras, vehicles or furniture, nor to pay ordinary recurring expenses such as office rent. Grant funds can only be used to pay expenses, including wages or salaries, that are directly connected to activities delineated in the grant proposal. Major categories of expenses, including salaries and wages or travel, should be broken out in the grant proposal.

Participants and Audiences:

This program is created for Belarusian independent media outlets, independent journalists, and media NGOs. This can include traditional and new media outlets, such as newspapers, magazines, websites, social-media pages, Internet messengers, blogs, video channels and others.


The following foreign organizations are eligible to apply: • Not-for-profit organizations, including think tanks and civil society/non-governmental organizations • For-profit media companies that publish in Belarusian or Russian about Belarus events • Public and private educational institutions • Individuals • Public International Organizations

Learn more or apply
All information about this funding has been collected from and belongs to the funding organization
14 August 2023