Small Grants

United St Saviour's Charity

Rolling deadline
Not for profit (incl. NGOs)
South East
Employment Health, Justice and Social Welfare

Small Grants

Our Small Grants Programme is for applications up to £5,000 but at the moment we are encouraging groups to apply for up to £3,000 as we want to ensure that as many groups as possible are able to benefit.

We are looking to fund proposals that support our outcomes:

  • That communities in Southwark are inclusive, strong and supportive of each other (Strong, Resilient Communities)
  • Older people in Southwark are experiencing a great quality of life (Positive Ageing)
  • That all residents have the same life opportunities and chances (Levelling the Playing Field).

The Small Grants Programme tends to support groups that meet the ‘Strong, Resilient Communities’ but we will also support initiatives that support the other two priorities around Positive Ageing and Levelling the Playing Field.

Proposals must demonstrate the following (our criteria):

  • Deliver in line with our priorities/outcomes
  • Meet local need and demand
  • Have a track record of effective delivery or the capacity to deliver -Demonstrate value for money (with appropriate budget costs)

If you receive a grant, you’ll need to sign a grant agreement and accept the Terms and Conditions form that explains our expectations, including what the funds can be used for. You should keep accurate records of spend and at the end of the funding period you will be asked to provide an end of grant report demonstrating what difference the grant made. However you can choose the format in which to report.


We want to fund proposals that meet the outcomes of our 3 themes and which benefit the people living and working in the London Borough of Southwark.

We will not fund:

  • Proposals where the majority of beneficiaries are living or working outside LB Southwark
  • Individuals (including sole traders)
  • For-profit private companies
  • Local authorities and public bodies
  • Purely religious activity
  • Political or animal welfare activity
Learn more or apply
All information about this funding has been collected from and belongs to the funding organization
20 April 2023