Global Health Engagement Research Initiative (GHERI) FY 2023 Pre-Application (Call for White Papers)

Uniformed Services Univ. of the Health Sciences

17 January 2023
Not for profit (incl. NGOs)
United States of America
Research, Development and Innovation

The Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Health Affairs (OASD(HA)); Defense Health Agency (DHA), Research & Development Directorate (J-9); and the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences (USU) Center for Global Health Engagement (CGHE) Research team employ a programmatic-focused research strategy for funding Global Health Engagement (GHE) research through the GHE Research Initiative (GHERI).

Objectives: The CGHE Research team is soliciting White Papers from interested parties for research related to operational efforts that will meet the needs of the Joint Force in either (1) Improving the understanding and/or execution of DoD GHE or (2) Utilizing DoD health research activities to engage a partner nation/partner nations (PN/PNs) in support of Theater Campaign Plan (TCP) objectives to further research.

The GHERI is funded through Defense Health Program (DHP) RDT&E funds in accordance with guidance from OASD(HA) and DHA J-9. The GHE research needs of the warfighter are expressed by the regular demand signal of the Joint Force through the Joint Staff Surgeon's Office and the Combatant Commands (CCMD) Surgeons' Offices. This demand signal is captured through ongoing coordination between the CCMDs Surgeons’ Offices, the Military Services, and CGHE.

This call for White Papers seeks initial concepts for research to advance the above mentioned objectives and address at least one element listed under the research area described in the full announcement through a novel approach, methodology, or capability with trans-regional and/or trans-functional applications that will improve the ability of the Joint Force to conduct GHE.

See full announcement for all details regarding this Call for White Papers including a full description and the required content, form, and method of submission.


This Call for White Papers is for non-profit and Government entities (e.g., DoD Labs, Military Training Facilities, Government/National laboratories, military educational institutions, etc.). Collaboration with industry is encouraged via subawards. Government entities are subject to applicable direct competition limitations.

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All information about this funding has been collected from and belongs to the funding organization
20 April 2023