BBSRC standard research
UK Research and Innovation
Our standard research grants are for researchers at eligible organisations that include:
- higher education institutions
- research council institutes
- approved independent research organisations
- public sector research establishments.
We will award 80% of the full economic costs of your research, and your organisation must agree to find the balance.
Projects can range in size up to £2 million and last up to five years. Funding can support a range of activities from research projects to technology development, new infrastructure and equipment, use of equipment and facilities, networks, and summer schools.
This scheme supports excellent investigator-led research across the breadth of our scientific remit.
Funding of up to £2 million is available for up to five years for:
- research projects, including technology development projects
- equipment or use of existing facilities
- new facilities or infrastructure
- research networks and coordination
- summer schools.
You can apply to undertake biotechnology or biological research in:
- plants
- microbes
- animals (including humans)
- tools and technology underpinning biological research.
Investigations within and across scales are supported, from molecules and cells, to tissues, whole organisms, populations and landscapes.
We welcome multidisciplinary proposals that cross into other research council areas but expect the primary focus of your work to fall within BBSRC’s remit.
We work with other research councils to ensure that applications close to remit boundaries are assessed by the most appropriate lead council. Please contact us with any queries about the suitability of your application before applying.
We have a strong commitment to funding curiosity-led research and to advance excellent bioscience across our portfolio.
You are encouraged to consider the relevance your proposed work to the long-term research and innovation priorities set out in our delivery plan.
In addition, we have identified several priority areas in which we wish to encourage and promote submissions to advance these goals:
- animal health
- bioenergy: generating new replacement fuels for a greener, sustainable future
- combating antimicrobial resistance
- data-driven biology
- food, nutrition and health
- healthy ageing across the lifecourse
- integrative microbiome research
- new strategic approaches to industrial biotechnology
- reducing waste in the food chain
- the replacement, refinement and reduction in research using animals
- sustainably enhancing agricultural production
- synthetic biology
- systems approaches to the biosciences
- technology development for the biosciences
- welfare of managed animals.
We particularly welcome approaches that encourage working with partners to improve the effectiveness of research and the realisation of impact, promoted through three further priorities:
- collaborative research with users
- research that informs public policy
- international partnerships
You should consider the potential impacts of your research and how they relate to BBSRC’s strategy, including the aims of our priority areas where relevant.
More about our themes and priorities.
Working with Brazilian researchers
You can apply to work on projects with Brazilian researchers based at higher education and research organisations eligible for support from the State of São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP).
Proposals must be in fields supported by both BBSRC and FAPESP. Funding for the work of Brazilian scientists on the project is funded by FAPESP.
More about working with Brazilian scientists.
More about FAPESP.
You can apply if you are resident in the UK for at least 183 days in a tax year and hold a lecturer or lecturer-equivalent position at a UK higher education institution, research council institute or a UKRI-approved independent research organisation.
Principal applicants must be employed at the submitting research organisation at lecturer level, or equivalent, or due to move to the organisation before the start date of the grant. Or if not employed, applicants must have an agreement that the research will be conducted at the submitting research organisation as if they were an employee at lecturer level, or equivalent.
Co-applicants must be employed at an eligible organisation and meet the same employment criteria.
See the eligibility section in our research grants guide (PDF, 375KB).
New investigator scheme: early career researchers You can secure your first major element of research funding through the new investigator scheme.
This applies if you are an early career researcher who has not received competitively obtained research or support funding from any source as a principal investigator, where such funding includes or included postdoctoral research assistant staff support costs.
You must be able to satisfy the normal eligibility requirements as outlined above and detailed in the research grants guide.
Please note the three year time limit for new investigator applicants has been removed.
You will be assessed following the same procedure as other applications, however research potential rather than track record will be taken into account.
Industrial partners Industrial partners are encouraged on all research grant applications. There are, however, two formal ways to seek support for your research if you are working with an industrial partner:
- Industrial partnership awards: academic-led research with significant industrial involvement and where an industry partner contributes in cash at least equivalent to 10% of the full economic costs of the project
- Stand-alone LINK: collaborative research with at least one company where at least 50% of the full project cost comes from industry either in cash or in-kind
We do not fund the work of your industrial partners. Industrial partners must agree ownership and exploitation of the intellectual property at the outset and clearly define the proposed scientific and commercial results in a management framework.