Democracy, Human Rights and Accountability APS

Uganda USAID-Kampala

28 March 2024
For profit
Not for profit (incl. NGOs)
Public sector
R&D and Higher Education

The United States Agency for International Development in Uganda (USAID/Uganda) seeks applications from non-profit and for-profit organizations to participate in USAID’s Uganda Democracy, Human Rights and Accountability (DRA) Annual Program Statement (APS).

The Uganda DRA APS seeks to engage the private and civil sectors in priority areas, as defined by the Government of Uganda (GOU) and the United States Government (USG). This initiative is designed to increase sustainability and impact in the following areas: Human Rights; Conflict/Violence Prevention and Mitigation; and Accountability and Anti-Corruption, as outlined in SECTION H: OTHER INFORMATION. USAID/Uganda is interested in providing both financial and non-financial support in these areas.

This APS requires submission of a three-page concept paper that answers the questions provided in SECTION D: APPLICATION AND SUBMISSION INFORMATION. Interested organizations must read this document in its entirety and follow the instructions to apply to this APS. Depending on the response, USAID/Uganda may make multiple awards or, if there are not sufficiently suitable submissions, none.

Eligibility -
Learn more or apply
All information about this funding has been collected from and belongs to the funding organization
06 May 2023