Small Grants
Trusthouse Charitable Foundation
We are a grant making foundation giving grants to small and medium sized local organisations in the UK with a demonstrable track record of success working to address local issues in communities of extreme urban deprivation and deprived rural districts. Trusthouse’s mission is to improve vulnerable lives in disadvantaged communities of the UK.
The Trusthouse Charitable Foundation awards single year grants of between £2,000 to £10,000 to small, well-established charitable organisations (annual income under £250,000) whose postcode falls within the following on the Indices of Multiple Deprivation:
- If you are located in an urban area, you must be in the bottom 15% most deprived areas
- If you are located in a rural area, you must be in the bottom 50% most deprived areas
Projects must have a community focus and funding can be used for core costs, salaries, running and project costs.
The Foundation’s preference is for front line projects working directly with people in need. They do not support campaigning, organisational development or capacity building projects. They will consider new projects which are a logical extension of existing work, but do not support work which represents a significant shift away from the applicant’s existing core aims and experience.
Applicants must have already secured 50% of the total project costs and cannot apply for more than 50% of the total cost of the project/salary/core running costs.
Deadline: Continuous rolling programme.
You can apply if:
- Your organisation’s postcode falls within the following on the Indices of Multiple Deprivation:
- if you are located in an urban area, you must be in the bottom 15% most deprived areas
- if you are located in a rural area, you must be in the bottom 50% most deprived areas
- Your project has a focus on community support
- Your annual income does not exceed £250,000
- You can secure 50% of the total project costs
- You can supply your most recent annual accounts
- You can start spending our grant within 1-2 months of receipt
- You are embedded in your local community
What we don't fund: -Organisations whose postcode is not within the IMD deprivation limits set out in our funding guidelines -Newly established organisations with no previous annual accounts -Individuals, whether direct or through a third party -Charities or NGOs registered outside the UK -Statutory services including state schools, local or national authorities, prisons, NHS hospitals or services -Universities, further education colleges and independent schools -Organisations with an annual income over £1m -Hospices -Organisations with primarily an environmental aim -Grant making organisations or umbrella organisations -Organisations that have applied to us unsuccessfully within the previous 12 months -Organisations which have made their annual returns to the Charity Commission or Companies House late within the past three years -Organisations which have not reviewed their safeguarding policy and/or held formal safeguarding training/refresher sessions within the past 12 months -Trustees are unlikely to fund organisations holding more than twelve months operating costs in reserves.
Types of Projects We Do Not Fund: -Capital projects -Set up costs for new organisations -Projects outside the UK -Animal welfare -Environment and conservation -Medical research -Feasibility studies -One-off events (except under the Small Grants programme) -PR and awareness raising; fundraising salaries, events, initiatives or websites -Non-secular activities -Projects primarily concerned with the production of films, podcasts or other media -For Small Grants: urban projects not delivered in the same city/town (or borough for London) in which the applying organisation is based