Hugh Fraser Grant

The Hugh Fraser Foundation

01 May 2022
01 August 2022
01 November 2022
01 May 2023
08 August 2023
01 November 2023
31 December 2024
Not for profit (incl. NGOs)
Arts, Culture and Heritage Employment Health, Justice and Social Welfare


The Foundation makes donations to registered charities which are active in such sectors as the arts and culture, medical & health, the environment and education, care and support of the young and elderly, people with disabilities and the under-privileged. So long as the object is charitable, the Trustees will consider any application from a registered charity.

The Trustees’ policy is to focus on applications relating to activities and projects in Scotland, particularly those parts of Scotland where the local economy and/or circumstances make fund-raising for charitable purposes difficult.

Grants will only be made to organisations which are registered charities or community interest companies. The Trustees tend not to support highly-publicised national appeals and do not make grants to individuals.

The Trustees are prepared to enter into commitments over a period of time by making grants in up to three successive years, often to assist in new initiatives which can maintain their own momentum once they have become established. Grants are frequently made by way of pledge where payment is conditional on the full funding and the commencement of the activities or project. HOW TO APPLY Letters of application should be submitted by e-mail where possible. There is no prescribed application form and applicants should include all information they regard as relevant.

By email: hughfraserfoundation@turcanconnell.com.

Each application should, as a minimum, include

  • the Charity Number and contact details, including postal address, a telephone number and e-mail address.
  • details of any previous awards from the Foundation
  • a description of the activities or project, including location, for which the funding is requested
  • the sum requested and when it is required
  • details of other sources of funding, actual and potential
  • a budget for the activities or project
  • most recent accounts and/or up-to-date financial information.

The Trustees do not wish to receive charity constitutions.



The Trustees meet normally in March, June, September and December. The cut-off-date for applications is normally the beginning of the month preceding the month of the meeting date.

Learn more or apply
All information about this funding has been collected from and belongs to the funding organization
04 November 2023