Gannochy Trust main grants

The Gannochy Trust

15 September 2022
03 June 2022
31 October 2024
Rolling deadline
Not for profit (incl. NGOs)
Arts, Culture and Heritage Education, Skills Building and Training Health, Justice and Social Welfare Transport, Infrastructure and ICT

The Gannochy Trust provides grants for the delivery of charitable work and capital projects. A large proportion of our funding work takes place in Perth and Kinross, in line with the wishes of our founder A. K. Bell.

We provide three types of grant:

  • project funding for the delivery of projects and activities;
  • core funding for operational costs such as salaries, overheads and day to day running costs; and
  • capital funding to create or improve an asset, such as a new building or refurbishment.

Core funding and capital grants are only available for charities and work that is based in Perth and Kinross. Capital funding applications comprise of a two stage process.

We provide the following grant levels:

  • small grants of up to £10,000 a year for a maximum of three years;
  • main grants of up to £30,000 a year for a maximum of three years; and
  • major grants of over £30,000 a year for a maximum of three years.

Major grants are only available for charities and work based in Perth and Kinross.

Applicants for grants must demonstrate how they meet our criteria and deliver our stated outcomes. A number of exclusions apply. All applicants should read our current funding strategy and guidance carefully.

In order to establish or re-establish a relationship with The Gannochy Trust, charities that are applying to the Trust for the first time or have not received funding within the past ten years should only apply for one year.

What we fund:

We have different eligibility criteria for charities based or working in Perth and Kinross, than those across Scotland. We fund charities to deliver the following aims

For Perth and Kinross:

To improve the Quality of Life for people by:

  • creating positive change in people’s lives and communities;
  • increasing inclusion, empowerment and independence;
  • increasing access to employment, volunteering, education and leisure opportunities; and
  • increasing equality of opportunity and active citizenship.

​To develop and inspire young people by:

  • increasing participation, opportunities and experiences through sport, culture, leisure, environment, heritage;
  • raising aspirations and realisation of full potential​;
  • improving access to accredited training and learning​;
  • increasing employability and employment options; and​
  • increasing leadership or mentoring.

To improve the availability or quality of the built and natural environment for wide community use by:

  • providing greater access to services and facilities;
  • improving infrastructure​;
  • offering more sustainable services and facilities that reflect local priorities​; and
  • enhancing the natural and built environment.

For the Rest of Scotland:

  • To develop and inspire young people by:
  • improving access to accredited training and learning​;
  • employability and employment options​; and
  • increasing leadership or mentoring.

Who we fund:

The Gannochy Trust awards grants to registered charities for work in Perth and Kinross and across Scotland, that deliver the outcomes that the Trust hopes to achieve with its funding. Currently, a greater proportion of our annual giving of around five million pounds is awarded to charities based or working in Perth and Kinross.

Learn more or apply
All information about this funding has been collected from and belongs to the funding organization
20 April 2023