Social Cohesion Activity
Sri Lanka USAID-Colombo
USAID/Sri Lanka and Maldives is seeking innovative solutions that advance the Country Development and Cooperation Strategy Development Objective (DO) 1: Effective Democratic Governance Strengthened, Intermediate Result (IR) 1.1: Responsiveness of Governance Institutions Improved, IR 1.2 More Informed and Active Public Participation, and IR 1.3: Rights and Tolerance Elevated.
At a minimum, proposed interventions should address at least 1 of the following activity objectives:
Strengthened structures facilitating social cohesion, reconciliation, and respect for human rights;
Reduced socio-economic disparities and exclusion of vulnerable communities;
Enhanced community resilience.
See Section C of the Solicitation for Eligibility Restrictions. Three Categories of Awards:I. Unrestricted Eligibility – Standard Cooperative Agreement – 14 Million – $17 Million (See Section C.1.I and D.4.I)II. Local Entities – Standard Cooperative Agreement(s) – $1 Million – $3 Million (See Section C.1.II and D.4.I)III. Local Entities- Fixed Amount Cooperative Agreement(s) (Renewal) – $200,000 – $3 Million (See Section C.1.II and D.4.II)