MARVIS – Space research with the SNSF


01 February 2023
16 December 2024
Research, Development and Innovation

MARVIS is a SNSF funding scheme in the area of space research. It will provide annual funding of up to a total of 3.5 million francs for projects by international research networks.

MARVIS stands for “Multidisciplinary Applied Research Ventures in Space.” Through it, the SNSF aims not only to promote the development of core competencies in space research, but also to strengthen Switzerland's position in future-oriented areas of research and innovation. It focuses on three areas in particular: the contribution of space travel to a sustainable future, ensuring a rapid response in emergency situations and protecting space assets. This funding scheme has been commissioned by the State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation (SERI). Calls will be launched every two to four years.

The proposals are evaluated in two steps: First, the SNSF evaluates the scientific and technical quality of the project. In Step 2 of the evaluation, the SERI will evaluate the project according to the space, research and innovation policy.

MARVIS funding can have a duration of between one and seven years. Initially, a maximum duration of four years is funded for the projects. A subsequent application for extension is possible (Art. 4 of the call for proposals document).


Please refer to Art. 2.1 of the call for proposals for details of the participation requirements for MARVIS projects.

  • Art. 2.1 of the call for proposals

The eligibility criteria for applicants and project partners can be found in Art. 2.2 of the call for proposals.

Art. 2.2 of the call for proposals

Learn more or apply
All information about this funding has been collected from and belongs to the funding organization
26 July 2024