Improving Health Status and Human Capital in Senegal Activity
Senegal USAID-Dakar
The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Mission in Senegal, is offering an engagement opportunity with interested organizations to review and comment on approaches for the implementation of an upcoming activity called Improving Health Status and Human Capital in Senegal.
This document is a draft APS and is not soliciting concept papers or applications. The purpose of this specific document is to encourage interested applicants to submit comments, inputs and/or questions to USAID/Senegal regarding the forthcoming notice of funding opportunity (NOFO). Feedback on this draft APS may lead to adjustments to design before the final APS is released.
The following are the purposes of this Request for Information (RFI):
To allow stakeholders and interested organizations to review, comment, and provide sug-gestions on the proposed Program Description (PD) under the Umbrella APS as well as the indi-vidual PD for each Component of upcoming subject procurement; and
To increase USAID's knowledge of capabilities among potential organizations and solicit information that will enable USAID to better prepare a solicitation that meets the Agency’s needs for this potential procurement.