Small Grants
Grant funding eligibility criteria
What objectives must projects meet? The projects we fund will achieve one or more of the following objectives:
To address the root causes of marine conservation threats and challenges in the UK.
To prevent or reduce negative impacts on UK coastal and marine environments and/or species.
To add to the body of knowledge about marine conservation threats and challenges in the UK.
The Tackling Ocean Plastics Fund: The Tackling Ocean Plastics Fund will be open for applications, as part of Sea-Changers' main grant fund, in 2021. This funding stream aims to address the increasing problem of plastics that are damaging the marine environment and the species that call it home. The Tackling Ocean Plastics Fund will support groups and organisations around the UK who wish to run marine conservation projects aimed at tackling the negative impacts of marine plastic pollution.
To apply to this specific funding stream, check the Main Grant Fund eligibility and evaluation criteria then complete the Main Grant Fund Application Form, on which you can indicate that you are applying to this specific fund. What type of projects do we fund? Sea-Changers is particularly interested in grassroots projects that galvanise community action and projects that increase the number of people taking action for marine conservation.
Data and results from research projects undertaken as a result of Sea-Changers' grant funding must be made available to Sea-Changers and shared with appropriate marine databases when completed. We will consider partial funding of projects where other funds are also being sought or are already in place, but you will need to demonstrate exactly which elements of the project that the Sea-Changers grant will be used to fund, as well as how our funding fits into the wider finances of the project.
What don't we fund?
Projects that have a political aim
Applications solely to fund administrative or core operating costs
Retrospective projects or funding requests
Individuals or causes that will benefit only one person.
Grant funding evaluation criteria
How are applications evaluated?
Eligible applications for both the Main Grant programme and the Small Grant programme will be evaluated against the following criteria:
- Measurable impact -How well does the project meet one or more of the three objectives above? -How far does the project have a positive impact on the sea and coastal environment and/or species?
- How well does the application identify appropriate measures of success?
- Is it possible to effectively evaluate the impact?
- Community/grassroots base
- How far is the project community-based, with involvement of communities and the public in solutions to address marine conservation challenges? -Does the project have elements of community engagement or citizen science?
- Value for money
- How well justified is the sum proposed?
- Is it good value for money?
- Are there other ways for the funding to be obtained?
- Ongoing or wider benefits
- Will the project have lasting benefits and outcomes?
- Is it replicable and could it have wider applicability?
- Will the project raise awareness or get publicity for the issues it addresses and/or for marine conservation issues in general?
- Innovation and creativity Does the project create an innovative approach to the problems facing the marine environment?
ea-Changers gives one-off grants (i.e. not continual funding) to UK-based charities and not-for-profit organisations (including schools) carrying out marine conservation related activities. We welcome applications from a variety of groups and entities.