Normal Grant

Scottish Mountaineering Trust

31 March 2022
30 September 2022
31 March 2023
31 August 2023
30 November 2023
15 March 2024
01 September 2024
21 March 2025
Not for profit (incl. NGOs)
Arts, Culture and Heritage

The Trust always welcomes new applications for grants to fund charitable projects and organisations that promote public recreation, knowledge and safe enjoyment in the mountains of Scotland or elsewhere.

The Organisation and Applicant The Trust will consider applications from charities, other voluntary bodies, commercial organisations, public bodies and private individuals. The type of organisation is less critical to the Trust than the nature of the project for which the funds are required.


The Trust will consider projects which meet at least one of the seven charitable categories defined by OSCR (the Scottish Charity Regulator) which are in line with the SMT’s own objectives. The seven categories are:

  • The provision of recreational facilities, or the organisation of recreational activities, (again the emphasis is on helping a wide range of people make constructive and life-enhancing use of their leisure time)
  • The advancement of public participation in sport (the key element is to enhance the range of participants in activities involving physical skill and exertion).
  • The advancement of education (for example skills training or broader education or research).
  • The saving of lives (both saving those in danger and safety of participants).
  • The advancement of arts, heritage, culture or science (including history, traditions, academic disciplines, exploration and experimentation)
  • The advancement of health (both physical and mental health)
  • Any other purpose that may reasonably be regarded as analogous to any of the preceding purposes. The applicant should also consider:-
  • A key part of the concept of being charitable is that it is of public benefit, and so the benefits of the project must be available to a part or large part of the public.
  • The SMT actively promotes initiatives which promote recreation and enjoyment of the mountains in an environmentally friendly way.
  • While projects outwith Scotland are eligible, the SMT will normally expect a clear and relevant connection to Scotland.
  • Applications for expedition funding need to show that they are exploratory, scientific or of public benefit in other ways (along with a commitment to publish its activities and findings).
  • Mountain walking and climbing, or travelling to mountains, are not in themselves charitable activities. It is the act of promoting the activity with the public that is charitable.
  • Private clubs can apply, but it must be clear that their projects will benefit the general public. For example, a club hut should be available to the general mountaineering public, or club activities should be available to non-members.
Learn more or apply
All information about this funding has been collected from and belongs to the funding organization
03 November 2024