Somerset Physical Activity on Referral Training Funding
Leisure providers, self-employed and smaller community activity providers have been negatively impacted from Covid-19. From lockdowns and loss of business they are now reporting significant gaps in provision due to high staff turnover. The organisations are a positive asset for the Somerset community and vital part of supporting people build their physical activity levels safely.
Exercise referral programmes provide structured and safe programme for exercise support for people with health conditions, inactive or sedentary status and support recovery from specific conditions. Somerset is now experiencing a shortage of trained staff to deliver these safe and structured exercise programmes
SASP has been commissioned by Somerset Public Health to lead a programme of funded training to support staff/individuals across the County in obtaining qualifications to deliver exercise referral programmes (Level 2,3 & 4 REPS) alongside inclusion of a wider holistic training programme for these staff.
Any additional training needs identified that will enhance added and social value may also be considered on an individual basis, e.g. other Level 4 qualifications, such as Stroke, Lower Back Pain, Pre and Post-Natal.
Applications are currently welcome at any point but will be assessed and a decision provided within 10 working days. Applications will be individually assessed against the following terms and conditions.
SASP have limited funding from Somerset Public Health for funded training to support staff staff/individuals in obtaining qualifications to deliver exercise referral programmes, which might effect whether we can approve your application.