Natural Infrastructure for Water Security (NIWS) II
Peru USAID-Lima
The United States Agency for International Development (USAID), Environment and Sustainable Growth (ESG) Office in Peru is currently evaluating achievements made under the Natural Infrastructure for Water Security (NIWS) activity and exploring the best and most effective approaches,
interventions that can inform a possible extension of the same. The NIWS activity is a 5-year Cooperative Agreement signed in 2017 and implemented by Forest Trends with co-funding from USAID and the Government of Canada.
Through this RFI, USAID/Peru is seeking general and/or specific public input (comments, critiques, suggestions etc.) on the scope and direction of overall interventions to cement gains made to date, but most importantly, to make sustainability the focus of current and future interventions.
In addition to soliciting responses to particular technical questions as outlined in this document, USAID/Peru is seeking general information on challenges and opportunities associated with advancing water security in Peru, in particular using nature-based solutions such as natural infrastructure.
USAID/Peru is interested in gathering information broadly from local, regional, and internationally based individuals and organizations. Given USAID’s increased ambitions to work through local partners to implement shared development priorities, we are especially interested in hearing from locally based entities1 with interest and experience working to advance climate adaptation, water security, disaster risk management, and nature-based solutions in Peru. As such, the Peruvian private sector, governmental, non-governmental, academia and community-based organizations are particularly encouraged to respond to this RFI.