Initiative to Address Disparities Aligned with Healthy People 2030 Leading Health Indicators
Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health
The HHS Office of Minority Health (OMH) anticipates funding for an initiative to identify best practices for implementing and sustaining health disparity-reducing interventions aligned with Healthy People 2030 leading health indicators (LHIs) in racial and ethnic minority populations ( Recipients will enhance the capacity of state/tribal/territorial government and community agencies to reduce health disparities for racial and ethnic minority populations by applying a public health quality improvement process to a health disparity area. OMH expects the recipient (if not a governmental entity) to be engaged in a formal partnership that includes a state, tribal, or territorial governmental health agency or entity. A state, tribal, or territorial governmental health agency or entity may be a department of health or public health office, office of minority health/health equity or an organization with a similar function, or a state health agency. Recipients will be expected to implement an intervention(s) to address identified disparities and a corresponding, iterative process to determine the intervention’s effectiveness. Recipients will also be expected to produce a Health Disparities Profile on one to two Healthy People 2030 LHI topics for a geographic hotspot. Recipients will evaluate the impact of project activities; and should submit at least one article to a peer-reviewed journal on the selected LHI topic(s) during the project period.
☒ State Governments☒ County Governments☒ City or township governments☒ Special district governments☒ Independent school districts☒ Public and State controlled institutions of higher education☒ Native American tribal governments (Federally recognized)☒ Public Housing authorities/Indian housing authorities☒ Native American tribal organizations (other than federally recognized tribal governments)☒ Nonprofits having 501(c)(3) status with the IRS, other than institutions of higher education☒ Nonprofits without 501(c)(3) status with the IRS, other than institutions of higher education☒ Private institutions of higher education (not-for-profit)☒ Others (see text field entitled “Additional Information on Eligibility” for clarification)Additional Eligibility Information: : Private non-profit institutions of higher education are eligible to apply. Faith-based organizations and American Indian/Alaskan Native/NativeAmerican (AI/AN/NA) organizations that are public or non-profit private entities are eligible to apply. Public or non-profit community-based organizations are eligible to apply.