Nordplus Horizontal is a cross-sectoral programme supporting innovative projects across traditional categories and sectors, as well as projects that address new, broad and complex challenges. Participation in the programme is open for all institutions and organisations willing to cooperate to develop education within a lifelong learning perspective.
Nordplus Horizontal can support several kinds of activities, such as workshops, seminars, conferences, production of educational material, establishing courses, dissemination and exploitation of results and experiences within the field of education, or projects building on and expanding other Nordplus projects.
Nordplus Horizontal supports most activities for cooperation within education, except individual mobility. Individual mobility can be supported within one of the other Nordplus programmes.
Nordplus Horizontal targets all institutions, organisations and other actors working within education and lifelong learning.
An application for support to projects or network activities from the Nordplus Horizontal programme must involve at least two sectors. This might be sectors within the educational system, for example between higher education and the school sector, or between organisations, institutions and companies across the public and private sectors, given that they are applying for cooperation within education and lifelong learning