Globus Opstart+

Nordisk kulturfond

19 February 2024
17 May 2024
25 April 2025
15 November 2025
Faroe Islands
Arts, Culture and Heritage

Globus Opstart+ is a funding programme within the Fund’s thematic initiative Globus. The programme is a development of the previous Globus Opstart-programme and supports the establishment and research phases of projects that could not be developed in the Nordic countries alone.

What is Globus Opstart+? Globus Opstart+ supports the establishment and research phases of artistic and cultural projects that connects actors from the Nordic and other places and regions in the world.

The programme aims to make space for artistic development, experimentation and exploratory approaches that require engagement from different parts of the world. With Globus Opstart+ we focus on creating networks and collaborations characterised by deep relations. We encourage you therefore to explore and establish clear structures and mutual project organisation with the potential for long-term development.


Assessment criteria Applications are assessed under three main criteria, taking into account the project’s own context:

Nordic/Global anchoring Your project must have a Nordic anchoring but should not be realisable within the Nordic region alone. Support from the Fund is dependent on binding participation and contributions from artists and/or cultural practioners working within and outside the Nordic region.

Global dimension and scope of collaboration We look at how projects demonstrate a clear global dimension and development potential and support artistic development. Emphasis is placed on projects’ global ambitions being reflected in the choice of collaborating partners, the project’s structure and how the work is anchored in specific local/regional contexts and environments.

We also consider how the project’s cooperation is reflected in the budget.

Development potential and long-term focus We look at how the project works with research and has an exploratory approach to building collaborations, seeking out new knowledge and creating relevance and development for the practices of the actors involved within a global framework.

We look at how the project thinks new in terms of theme and concept, as well as the establishment of networks and collaborations in a long-term perspective.

Learn more or apply
All information about this funding has been collected from and belongs to the funding organization
13 December 2024