Decision, Risk and Management Sciences - Doctoral Dissertation Research Improvement Grants
National Science Foundation
The Decision, Risk and Management Sciences Program (DRMS) supports scientific research directed at increasing understanding and effectiveness of decision making by individuals, groups, organizations and society. DRMS supports research with solid foundations in theories and methods of the social and behavioral sciences. This social and behavioral science research should advance knowledge, address fundamental scientific and societal issues and have strong broader impacts. DRMS funds doctoral dissertation research improvement grants (DDRIGs) in the following areas:
- Judgement and decision making.
- Decision analysis and decision aids.
- Risk analysis, perception and communication.
- Societal and public-policy decision making.
- Management science and organizational design. All research must be grounded in theory and generalizable. Purely theoretical or algorithmic proposals are not appropriate for DRMS DDRIG proposals.
*Who May Submit Proposals: Proposals may only be submitted by the following: - Institutions of Higher Education (IHEs) - Ph.D. granting IHEs accredited in, and having a campus located in, the U.S. acting on behalf of their faculty members. *Who May Serve as PI: DRMS DDRIG proposals must be submitted through regular organizational channels by the dissertation advisor. The principal investigator (PI) must be the doctoral student's dissertation advisor and the co-principal investigator (co-PI) must be the doctoral student. If appropriate, and at the discretion of the submitting organization, an additional faculty advisor at the same or another institution may be listed as another co-PI. Doctoral students are expected to be at the appropriate stage of their academic careers to enable them to work with their dissertation advisors to prepare and to submit the DDRIG proposal.